Hello Chess Comrades! This week's blog is out here.
Agenda of today's session
1. A Theory Session provided by Mr. Dhanasekhar
2. Friendly Practice Matches with fellow students
3. Completion of a Mate in one move Test
In today's session we were given an interactive theory session by Mr. Dhanashekar, Secretary of Coimbatore District Chess Association. The lessons taught ranged from basic rules, castling opportunities and conditions, defending, check and moving away from it, robots and chess and more. For a quick review, let's see few of the concepts here.
A. Stalemate
Stalemate is a situation in the game of chess where the whose turn it is to move is not in chess and has no legal move. Stalemate results in a draw.
B. Twofold Attack
A piece being attacked twice by two different pieces
An example of a two-fold attack
C. Defending
We can defend our pieces by one of the following ways:
1. Capturing
2. Supporting
3. Moving Away
4. Interposing
D. The Profitable Exchange
While exchanging our pieces, we have to maintain a gain in values (or) points of the pieces
Piece values in Chess
E. Robots and Chess
Former World Champion, Vladimir Kramnik playing against a chess robot
Strongest Chess Engines as time progresses with ELO
Screenshots of the Activity
As usual, suggestions for the blog and the club are most welcome.
See you all in the next session. Goodbye! Keep Checkmating!
- Signing off,
Chess Club Blogger Team
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