Hello fellow chess warriors! We are extremely delighted to present the 7th edition of our blog Agenda of today's session 1. A theory session with Mr. Dhanashekar 2. Friendly practice session Notes : The three golden rules in chess opening : 1. Place the pawn in the centre : - known as centre control 2 . Development of pieces 3. King Safety Centre control: Controlling a center square basically means your opponent can't put pieces (and sometimes can't even put pawns) on that square . And in many openings it's equally divided with each player controlling 2 squares. Let's look at two very basic examples. Both players are fighting for control of the centre. It seems that white is doing a bit better thanks to his knight on the strong f5-square, his central pawns and Bb2 that support the central pawns. White plays d4 to increase his space in the centre. He can do this since all his pieces perfectly s...
Hello fellow chess warriors! We are extremely delighted to present the 6th edition of the blog Agenda of today's session 1. A theory session with Mr. Dhanasekar 2. Friendly practice session with fellow mates Notes Double attack: The double attack is a very fundamental tactic in chess. Learning what it is and how to take advantage of it can be the difference between winning or losing a chess match : - A double attack happens when a single move by a player creates two simultaneous threats against their opponents. Different from the fork, those threats can be not only a direct attack but a stealthy and indirect attack. It can be significant in creating a checkmate. Forked and Discovered attacks: In a position given below, a double attack creates multiple or double attacks with a single move, while a fork arises when a single piece threatens two spaces at the same time while in the case of a discovered attack, a d...